Educate & Enforce & Assist & Protect
- To Educate our community in public safety and humane issues regarding animals
- To Enforce the county ordinances and state statutes pertaining to animals
- To Assist the public in resolving animal issues
- To Protect the safety and welfare of the citizens and animals of this community
Vision Statement: To create and preserve a safe community through education, enforcement and leadership.
Charlotte County Animal Control
26571 Airport Road
Punta Gorda, FL 33982
Phone: 941.833.5690
Fax: 941.833.5691
Department email:
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
After hours emergencies: Contact Charlotte County Sheriff at 941.639.2101
All calls requiring a response from an Animal Control Officer during normal business hours must go through our Animal Control Dispatch at 941.833.5690, option 1.
Any after-hour and holiday emergency calls please contact Charlotte County Sheriff's Office Dispatch at 941.639.2101.
Department Contacts
Matthew Meredith, Dispatcher: 941.833.5690, option 1
Brian Jones, Division Manager: 941.833.5686
Katelyn Warram, Administrative Services Coordinator: 941.833.5684
Sr. Officer Emily Graham 941.833.5685
Sr. Officer Colby Mazzoni: 941.833.5679
Officer Brynn Ackerman: 941.833.5697
Officer Matthew Mazzoni: 941.833.5692
Officer Autumn Wingard: 941.833.5673
Officer Brianna Beattie: 941.833.5688